Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Al Hussain Mosque (Variant Names Sayyidna Al-Hussayn Mosque, Husayn/Hussein/al-Hussein/Sayyiduna al-Husayn Mosque) is a very old mosque (Built: 1154) of Cairo, Egypt near the famous Khan El-Khalili bazaar. The mosque, considered to be one of the holiest Islamic sites in Cairo, was build on the cemetery of the Fatimid caliphs, a fact that was later discovered during the excavation. The mausoleum (dating back to 1154) is the oldest part of the complex.[1]
The Mosque houses some of very sacred items like the oldest believed complete manuscript of the Holy Quran.[2]

I was excited when Brunei Resources Blog recited my comment about SOAS mosque. I have to say recently my feeling about spirituallity grow stronger along with time. One aspect of spirituallism which can be considered an influence is the sacred or holy site or in this case the mosque. SOAS mosque is the second oldest usable mosque in Brunei. I remember when my late father told me that this mosque is so sacred or 'barakah' due to the fact it is also a place where 'muslim jins' performed their prayers. Some says 'they' usually pray under the 'mimbar' or near the escalator leading to the vip prayer hall. Wallahuaklam!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rahsia & Kelebihan Benda-Benda Ciptaan ALLAH Subahanawataala

Setiap ciptaan ALLAH SWT mempunyai pelbagai rahsia dan kelebihan yang tersirat. Sinaran suria dan hujan menyuburkan bumi yang tersimpan padanya pelbagai rahsia unik. Kemudian dari pelbagai ciptaan ALLAH SWT itu disertakan khasiat yang tersendiri. Tiada suatu pun makhluk yang ALAH SWT ciptakan di alam ini melainkan bersamanya turut tersimpan seribu satu rahsia. ALLAH SWT memerintahkan manusia mencari dan mengkaji bagi mengatahui hikmah dan khasiat yang terkandung didalamnya. Dengan taufik dan hidayahnya, manusia mampu berfikir dan mendapat petunjuk dalam usaha menrokai khazanah ALLAH SWT lalu menemui pelbagai hasil galian dan tumbuhan semulajadi yang bermanfaat.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Consequences of the 8/12/1962 revolt

"The revolt ended after five months when the last rebel leader, Yassin Affandi, being shot in the hip, was captured by British troops in mangrove swamps. The Revolt also played a role in the Sultan of Brunei's subsequent decision for Brunei to not join the Federation of Malaysia"
I can't help thinking what my parents had gone thru during that time! Part of the recipe for Negara Brunei DARUSSALAM today's tranquility and peace. A heavy price indeed our parents had to pay for our leisure life today...For which without that incident...Bruneian sovereignty would be lost forever! As we know today the then rebel leader YASSIN AFFANDI (or at least the unsung hero of Brunei Sovereignty) formed the National Developement Party a.k.a. NDP. We do not know what will be our future holds...but with 'necessary' preparation...we would be prepare to handle the future....insyaallah!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

“Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything.”

- Mary (Mrs. Ernest) Hemingway

Dear ME!:

Worrying can have harmful effects on our lives. There really is no solution when you worry, it only creates more problems for yourself in the long run. Consider these four techniques on analyzing the situation at hand in order to minimize worry.

Get all the facts

Weigh all the facts - then come to a decision

Once a decision is reached, act!

Analyze the problem:

What is the problem?

What are the causes of the problem?

What are the possible solutions?

What is the best solution?

Source:The Dale Carnegie