"The revolt ended after five months when the last rebel leader, Yassin Affandi, being shot in the hip, was captured by British troops in mangrove swamps. The Revolt also played a role in the Sultan of Brunei's subsequent decision for Brunei to not join the Federation of Malaysia"
I can't help thinking what my parents had gone thru during that time! Part of the recipe for Negara Brunei DARUSSALAM today's tranquility and peace. A heavy price indeed our parents had to pay for our leisure life today...For which without that incident...Bruneian sovereignty would be lost forever! As we know today the then rebel leader YASSIN AFFANDI (or at least the unsung hero of Brunei Sovereignty) formed the National Developement Party a.k.a. NDP. We do not know what will be our future holds...but with 'necessary' preparation...we would be prepare to handle the future....insyaallah!
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